Extensive Educational Resources: Obtain an in-depth Beginner's Guide and sample code to facilitate an enjoyable learning journey for individuals of all ages, regardless of whether you're just starting out or are an experienced creator.
Flexible OLED Screen with amomii Blink:The included amomii Blink OLED screen connects to the IR Hacks shield or can be used standalone with an Arduino UNO, displaying real-time feedback, messages, or game elements, offering maximum versatility.
Compatible with Arduino UNO:Designed as a shield for Arduino UNO and other compatible boards, it ensures plug-and-play convenience for seamless integration into your existing projects.
Master Soldering Skills with Real-World Components:Gain hands-on experience soldering real engineering components onto a custom-designed PCB, helping you build confidence and practical skills in electronics assembly.
Start Building Right Away:Dive into hands-on experimentation with example projects like Emoji Tic Tac Toe, a calculator, and a remote control cloner, making it easy to start learning and coding immediately.
Send and Receive IR Signals with Ease:Explore infrared communication with a built-in IR receiver and transmitter. Clone remote controls, send commands, and create custom IR-based devices for real-world automation.
4x4 Matrix Keypad for Custom Inputs:Program the versatile 4x4 keypad to control your projects, from creating custom remote controllers to developing interactive games and input systems.